Module 6: Georeferencing
For this module, the initial task at hand was to georeferenced a raster image onto known data on a map. I initially struggled with this because adding the pair of points to align the known data and unknown raster image seemed never-ending. As soon as it seemed that I was on the right track, the raster image would warp and move further away from the corresponding buildings. The control point table proved to be life-saving as any point that had a high RMS Error was deleted and resulted in the raster image aligning itself better. A better grasp of this concept helped georeferencing the next two raster images a breeze. The resulting map displays the UWF campus buildings and main roads, along with an inset map of a nearby eagle nest with the appropriate, FWC regulation of a 330 and 660 foot buffer from the nest.
The next map is an ArcScene and was simple due to the pre-work completed by UWF's GIS Department. However, I faced a bump in the road when the georeference tool LAS Dataset to Raster failed to run after two attempts. Eventually, it successfully ran once the GIS program was rebooted. The resulting map shows a 3D image of the UWF campus along with some selected features highlighted in tourmaline green from an earlier step in the map.
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